Thursday, April 21, 2011

Photo album of Chattanooga campaign

These ancient daguerreotypes, with accompanying explanatory text, were recently discovered in the attic of an old abandoned building on Missionary Ridge:

The Mr. Rt. Rev. Dr. Col. Lee Onidas Polk Jessup prepares to consecrate a medicinal relaxative (?) procured from the personal collection of fallen comrade Butch Zimmerman while standing next to the North Carolina Monument on Horseshoe Ridge on the Chickmauga battlefield.

Jessup carefully opens the container as the dry, dusty and way-too-eager thirsty troops look on.

A salute is offered to Zimmerman's memory by his surviving compatriots: "See you in hell, Johnny Reb!"

Several seedy members of the Irregular North Carolina Artillery prepare to fire a one-gun salute.

Members of an unnumbered North Carolina partisan unit gather by the 39th North Carolina Monument on the Chickamauga battlefield.

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